May 08, 2015 Bible Study — Jesus Is the Route To Eternal Life

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I hope those of you who regularly read my blog are not getting tired of pictures of flowers and of Magrat (my cat), because there are a lot more to come.


Proverbs 14:30-31

    The first of these proverbs reminds us that those who forgive those around them and are at peace with themselves live healthier lives than those who allow themselves to be filled with bitterness and envy.
    The second proverb tells us one side of this. Those who oppress the poor hold God in contempt and those who help the poor honour God. There is another side to this. No matter what they claim, those who hold God in contempt will oppress the poor. when all is said and done, only those who honour God truly help the poor.


Psalm 106:1-12

Praise the Lord!

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!
His faithful love endures forever.

Who can list the glorious miracles of the Lord?
Who can ever praise him enough?

That sums up this psalm for me.


John 5:24-47

    I struggled this morning with what to write about this passage. I am not sure how to phrase the message which this passage conveys to me, but here goes. The two pieces of this passage do indeed go together. Jesus tells us that those who listen to His message and believe in God have eternal life. When Jesus says this He means more than just hear the words and acknowledge the existence of God. He is referring to those whose behavior is different because they heard His message and believe in God who sent Him. If hearing Jesus’ message does not change our behavior, we have not truly listened.
    Then Jesus talks about the other ways we might hear how to receive eternal life. I believe that what He is talking about is the other ways people talk about when they say that there is more than one way to God (or Heaven, or eternal life). He is telling us that they are not wrong, well, not exactly. What He tells us here is that anyone who truly listens to what those other ways teach will be directed to Him. God will speak to some people by a means other than the New Testament, or Christians, but if those people listen to His message they will be led to Christ. It does not matter if God speaks to them directly, or through the writings of some other religious teacher. There are indeed directions towards God’s gift of eternal life in all of the religious teachings of this world. However, those who refuse to believe in Jesus will never hear the full message. There is a difference between those who refuse and those who have never heard that portion of the message.


1 Samuel 2:22-4:22

    We are told in this passage that Eli confronted his sons about their sins, but they would not listen to him. It is clear from both how Samuel turned out and the advice which Eli gave Samuel when God called to him that Eli served God in the way he lived his life. Yet he failed to serve God in the way he raised his sons. Eli failed to discipline his sons. He was satisfied to tell them that what they were doing was wrong.

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