March 9, 2023 Bible Study — Speaking God’s Message In Love To Turn People’s Hearts To Him

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Deuteronomy 29-31.

Moses tells the Israelites, and the foreigners living among them, to make sure that no one, and no group, among their number turns their heart(s) away from the Lord.  We should strive to do the same today.  However, in our society so few have actually turned the hearts to the Lord, that we should strive to turn their hearts to the Lord.  That is not something we can do with coercion and violence.  We can only get someone to turn their heart to the Lord with love and compassion.  Which brings me to the message of love and compassion we should have for people, also contained in today’s passage.  Following God’s commands leads us towards life, contentment, and prosperity, while disobeying His commands lead us towards death and destruction.  The prosperity is not that of this world, because those who follow God’s commands seek to store up wealth in heaven, not on this earth.  So, while those who follow God’s commands may acquire wealth in this world, that is not what they value, and those who follow God’s commands will acquire those things which the love of God causes them to value.  I want to circle back around to the message we should seek to communicate to those we care about: disobeying God’s commands leads to death and destruction.  Those who fail to follow His commands will find their lives empty with misery following them.  I see that in our society among those who blame their unhappiness on others, rather than recognizing that their own choices have led them into depression.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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