March 9, 2018 Bible Study –Doing What Is Right Makes It Easier to Know What Is Right, Not Doing What Is Right Makes It Easier to Do What Is Wrong.

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 29-31.

    In discussing the blessings and curses which come from following, or not following, God’s commands Moses told the people that on that day they had a choice between life and death. We have the same choice today. We have that choice every day. When we make that choice it makes it easier to make the same choice the next day. Each day that we choose to follow God’s commands makes it easier to follow His commands the following day. OF course the reverse is also true, each day we choose not to follow God’s commands makes it harder to do so the following day. Following God’s commands is not difficult or complex. We do not need someone to go up to heaven for us in order to know what God expects of us. Nor is the understanding kept in some far away exotic location so that we need to go to great effort to learn His commands. God will deliver His message into our very hearts and onto our lips if we but ask Him. It really is this simple: love God and strive to obey Him. As we obey the instructions that we understand, we will learn to understand the more complex instructions. On the other hand, if we do not do the things which we know that we ought we will gradually come to believe that it is right to do wrong.

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