March 9, 2017 Bible Study — Today We Are Given a Choice

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 29-31.

    In yesterday’s passage, the blessings for following God’s instructions, and the curses for failing to do so, were laid out. In today’s passage, Moses reminds us that sometimes we will fail to follow God’s instructions and fall under the curses. However, we can always repent and turn back to God. If we recognize our failure, that the suffering we are experiencing is a result of our sin, and turn back to God, God will change our hearts so that we will love Him with all of our heart, mind, and soul. If we repent of our sin, He will welcome us back and allow us to experience His blessings once more.

    Today we are given a choice. We can choose to love the Lord and commit ourselves completely to Him. If we choose this, we are choosing life. If we choose not to do this we are choosing death. I love the way Moses lays out this choice for us. God does not ask us to do some difficult pilgrimage in order to find out what He wants from us. We do not need to find some guru who has gone to heaven, or across the sea, or climbed some high mountain to tell us what God commands us. God has sent His messengers to us and He will reveal in our hearts right where we are what He desires of us. Even when we are in the depths of sin, God will come to us where we are to make His will known to us. We only need to listen and obey…and the best part is, if we sincerely desire to obey God He will give us the strength and ability to do so.
    The hard part about this choice is that we have to make it every day. However, that means that if yesterday we chose not to do God’s will, today we get to change our minds and accept His offer of blessings. I pray that each and every one of you reading this chooses life today, and every day going forward.

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