March 9, 2014 Bible Study — Not What I Will, But What You Will

    I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Proverbs 11:1-3

    Deception vs honesty, pride vs humility, duplicity vs integrity. These are the choices we have to make. These go together, people are generally on the same side of every one of these choices. People who are honest are generally humble and always live lives of integrity. Those who are proud are typically unfaithful and rarely honest in their dealings. I will strive for honesty, humility, and integrity although I do not always succeed at any of the three.


Psalm 52:1-9

    The psalmist warns those who boast of their crimes and are proud of deceiving the weak. God will strike them down. I will trust in God, not in my strength or my wealth. The psalmist does not explicitly state it, but the implication is clear, those who trust in their own strength and in their own wealth will treat others with contempt and will se no reason to deal honestly with them.


Mark 14:22-52

    When Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane He gave us an important model for our prayers. Jesus prayed to the Father desperately asking to avoid the suffering which He knew was coming. Yet, as desperately as He desired to avoid the suffering, He prayed that God’s will be done, not His own. Do I do the same? When I ask God for something, am I willing to accept that His will may be for something different? Do I desire God’s will to be done more than what I want? Do I accept that His will is better than anything I can imagine? Am I willing to suffer in order to further God’s will?
    When Jesus returned to the disciples and found them asleep, He singled out Peter and asked him if he could not stay awake for a single hour to pray? Jesus’ words here strike deep into my heart. He told Peter “Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” This is both great advice and a great comment on my life. My spirit is definitely willing, but my flesh is weak and, all too often, I fall short of fulfilling God’s will for me. If I would just follow Jesus’ advice to Peter, perhaps I would more often follow through on the things God desires me to do. I need to spend more time watching and praying. Definitely more time praying.


Numbers 11:24-13:33

    In yesterday’s passage, some of the people had been grumbling and complaining about the lack of variety in the food which God provided them. When Moses went to God to ask Him why He had burdened him with these complaining people, God told Moses to gather the 70 elders of the people to the Tabernacle. God’s Spirit would come down upon the 70 elders and they would share the burden of leading these people with Moses. Further God told Moses to have the people purify themselves because on the following day He would provide them with meat for them to eat for a month. The following day God did indeed supply the people of Israel with enough meat for them to eat meat for a month. Many of those who had been grumbling ate too much of the quail, perhaps without cooking it properly, and they died. In this case, the people were not grateful for the provision which God had given them. They complained because He had not provided them with the luxurious foods they had eaten in Egypt. In light of my theme, they paid a price for not turning to God and saying, “Please Lord, we want variety in our food, but not as we will, let it be as You will.” They were selfish and demanded God provide them what they wished for without considering the possible negative consequences. When God provided them what they asked for, they suffered the consequences.
    Later in today’s passage, Moses sent scouts into the Promised Land. When they returned they reported on how the land was a land of bounty. They also reported that the people of the land were powerful and well defended. Caleb immediately spoke up saying that they should march at once, they could conquer the people of the land. However, the other scouts disagreed and expressed their fear that the people were too powerful for them. They allowed their sense of inadequacy get the better of them. They failed to remember the great things which God had done for them in bringing them out of Egypt. How often do we fall into the same trap? When God gives us a mission, we scout it out and conclude that it is beyond our abilities. Then, rather than trusting in God to bring us through, we retreat and refuse to do as God had called us. All too often, we allow our sense of inadequacy overcome our faith. Let us remember that while we may be grasshoppers, God is leading us and will see us through to victory.

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