March 7, 2022 Bible Study — Treat Others As You Would Wish To Be Treated If You Were In Their Circumstances

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Deuteronomy 24-26.

This passage contains multiple miscellaneous laws.  However, many of them have a similarity: do not mistreat the foreigner, the fatherless, or the widow.  Those three have one thing in common, they would have had little to no power to defend themselves.  Which gives us a theme running through most of these laws, do not take advantage of those weaker than yourself.

  • Do not take advantage of hired workers who are poor and needy, pay them promptly
  • Do not deny the foreigner or the fatherless of justice
  • When harvesting, leave the hard to gather crops for the foreigner, the fatherless, and the widow
  • When making a loan to a neighbor, if they are poor return their pledge to them before you go to sleep that night.
  • When making a loan to a neighbor, do not enter their house to retrieve their pledge.  Wait for them to bring it out to you.
  • When making a loan, do not take as security the tools the person uses to earn an income.

At several points the passage tells the Israelites to remember that they were slaves in Egypt.  We too should remember when we, or our ancestors, suffered hard times.  We should remember that, but for the grace of God, we too might be dealing with being weak and having trouble providing for ourselves.  Let us treat those weaker than ourselves as we would wish to be treated if we were in their circumstances.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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