March 7, 2020 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 24-26.

Today’s passage contains a lot of commands, some of which seem to have a common theme and some which seem unconnected to the rest.  I suspect that to the Israelites who first heard these commands they would have had greater continuity.  I will focus on the thread which seems to run through the majority of these commands.  The commands make a point that we should not take advantage of others.  So, we should not take as security for a loan the means by which the borrower would earn the money to pay us back.  We should make sure that we leave opportunities for the poor and powerless to work to provide for themselves without forcing them to become dependent on us.  We should make sure that the poor and powerless receive justice.

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