March 7, 2019 Bible Study — God Has Blessed Us, So Let Us Bless Others

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 24-26.

The passage contains many miscellaneous commands to the Israelites.  However, there are two themes which go through many of them.  The Lord God redeemed you and look out for those who have fallen on hard times.    The second one follows from the first.  Our obligation to not take advantage of those less fortunate than ourselves and to assist them as we may results from the good which God has done for us.  Why should I treat others with dignity and respect?  Because God has cared for me.  Why should I go out of my way to see that those with whom I have no ties have a chance? Because God gave me a chance.  God has blessed us, so we should do our best to bless others.  If we do, God will bless us even more.  I am not sure why this passage brings this to mind, but it does.  At the end of the movie “Schindler’s List”, Oscar Schindler regrets every dime he spent on his own pleasure because perhaps if he had not spent it that way he could have saved one more person from the Nazi death camps.  

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