March 3, 2022 Bible Study — Those Who Fail To Keep God’s Commands Destroy The Environment

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Deuteronomy 11-13.

This passage starts the hits coming by telling us that those of us who have experienced God’s power first hand have an obligation to communicate that to the next generation, to teach the next generation to love and obey God.  If we take those experiences to heart and obey God’s commands, the land God has given us will provide for our needs.  I love the way in which Moses sums up God’s commands here–love and serve God with all of our heart and with all of our soul.  Another important point which I see referred to from time to time is that obeying God means that we do not destroy the environment around us.  However, what I have never seen anyone comment on is that those who disobey God will destroy the environment around them.  What makes this promise especially interesting is that few of the Laws laid down by Moses directly address our interaction with the environment around us.  I like the remedy which Moses offers to avoid being enticed to worship other gods, and therefore destroy our environment.  He tells us to fix the words of God’s Law in our hearts and minds by tying symbols on our hands and binding them to our foreheads if necessary.  We should talk about God’s commands when we sit at home and when we travel. when we lie down and when we get up.  Basically, we should be talking about God’s commands all of the time, no matter where we are or what we are doing.  A little later while discussing his instructions to worship in a central location, Moses says something which I believe goes along with what I have written above and will help us to talk about God’s commands, and to keep them.  Moses told the Israelites that they should rejoice before the Lord in everything to which they put their hand.  So, let us rejoice before the Lord in everything we do.  Doing so will help us keep and talk about His will for us.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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