March 3, 2018 Bible Study — Being Enthusiastic About Obeying God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 11-13.

    We should obey God’s commands based on our own experiences, not those of our parents, or grandparents, or other ancestors. If we pay attention we will see that God has done wondrous things in our lives. Further, if we obey God’s commands we will experience the blessings which are the result of doing so. On the other hand, if we fail to obey God’s commands we will experience the sufferings and hardships which result from that. I want to note that Moses here is speaking to a community of people and is referring to the consequences of communal obedience, or disobedience, to God. There are blessings from individually obeying God, even when all of those around us fail to do so, but that is not what Moses is referring to here.

    Despite what I said at the end of the last paragraph, what Moses said next applies to us as individuals. We have a choice between receiving a blessing or a curse. If we choose to love and obey God, we will receive a blessing. If choose not to do so, we will receive a curse. Moses repeats here something he said earlier. IF we want the blessings of obeying God we must commit ourselves wholeheartedly to doing so. That means that we will talk about God’s instructions constantly. We need to talk about God’s instructions to our children, our spouses, our neighbors, our friends, even to strangers. We should be so enthusiastic about God’s word that we cannot help ourselves. We will find ourselves thinking about God in the morning when we get up and in the evening when we go to bed, and at all times in between. We will talk about God and doing His will when we are at Church and when we are at a party. Doing God’s will should fill our time continuously.

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