March 3, 2017 Bible Study — You Always Have A Choice

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 11-13.

    Today’s passage continues with Moses’ admonition to the people of Israel to love God with their whole being. These instructions are not for the children of those who have seen God’s wondrous power, and yet, in a way, they are. Those who have seen God’s wondrous power in action are obligated to talk about it and about God’s instructions for how we live our lives. We have seen, or, at least, I have seen, God do wonderful, powerful things. Things which changed the course of my life. As a result, I have an obligation to commit myself to God’s instructions. When people interact with me, when they come into my house, they should have no doubt in their minds that I seek to follow God’s instructions (I know I often fall short of this, but it is the goal I strive to meet).

    It is not enough to write and talk about God’s commands, we must follow them. And not just some of the time, but all of the time. Today we are given a choice. A choice between a blessing and a curse. If we obey God’s will for us, we will experience a blessing. If we do not obey His will for us, we will experience a curse. This is not a once and done choice. We are given this choice again and again. Even if we chose the curse the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that, we can choose the blessing this time, and every time going forward. We have the choice, if we have made bad choices in the past, we do not have to make bad choices in the present, or in the future. Choose the blessing.

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