March 23, 2024 Bible Study — Let Us Stop Waiting for a Leader to Turn People Back to God and Start Serving Him Ourselves

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Judges 9-10.

I was going to write about Abimelek and Shechem but then I was struck by what happened before the people of Gilead decided to follow whoever was willing to lead them against the Ammonites.  We tend to perceive the Book of Judges as teaching that when the people cry out to God because of the suffering which their sin has brought upon them that God raises up a leader, a judge, to lead them back to Him.  However, the passage today makes clear that the people turned back to God before a leader rose up to lead them against their oppressors.  Which is consistent with what God told the Israelites through Moses and other prophets.  And is consistent with what He tells us today.  Personally I think the pattern laid out here perfectly expresses how we should turn back to God.

  • Confession: We (I) have sinned
  • Do with us (me) whatever You think best
  • Get rid of the idols we(I) have set up for myself
  • Serve the Lord
  • God sends someone to lead us in serving Him

When we look at the world around us and see the corruption which abounds, let us not wait for God to send a leader to lead the people back to Him.  Let us confess our sins, throw ourselves on His mercy (which means admitting that we deserve the suffering we see coming on those around us), get rid of any and all things which lead us to sin, start serving God in whatever ways we can find.  Then perhaps God will send a leader to lead our society back to Him.  And, if not, well, we have turned to Him and serve Him.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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