March 22, 2017 Bible Study — The Tasks God Calls Us To Can Only Be Accomplished With God’s Aid

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Judges 7-8.

    Gideon’s preparations for his victory over the Midianites is a lesson for us. Gideon’s preparation was designed to make sure that God received credit for his victory. God calls us to tasks where we will bring glory to His name. This means that we will need His aid in order to succeed. God told Gideon to send some of his men home because if he went into battle with that many men, Gideon and his men would have thought they won because of their own skill and power. When we look at the job which God has set before us, do we think that we have the skill and strength to accomplish it? Or do we feel completely overwhelmed by the task ahead of us acknowledging that it is only by the grace of God that we can succeed? If it is the former we are not aiming high enough.

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