March 2, 2017 Bible Study — Do Not Forget The Lord When You Prosper

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 8-10.

    There are three important messages in today’s passage. First, Moses called on the people of Israel not to forget God, and His commands, when they became successful and prosperous. This is perhaps one of the things which we, as human beings, struggle with the most: remembering what God has done for us when times are good. All too often we forget what God did for us when times were hard and take all the credit to ourselves for our success. When times are good, we must remember that it was God who led us to this place of comfort.

    Second, Moses reminded the people of Israel that their victories did not come about because they were such good people. Neither will ours. Our victories in life are not because of our goodness. God did not drive the people living there out of the Promised Land because the Israelites were such good people. He drove those people out because they practiced such wickedness. We should feel sorrow for those who are suffering because of their sin and seek for them to turn from that sin. We should never believe that we are better than they because we are not suffering. We need to acknowledge that our victories are purely a result of God’s grace.

    Third, Moses informed the people that God’s instructions are not arbitrary. God has given us His commands and instructions for our own good. God did not make up His rules and laws to please Himself. No, they are guidelines meant to show us how to live the best, happiest life possible. The rules, regulations, laws, and commands which God has given us are intended for our benefit. In the same manner that a good parent lays down rules for their children so that those children will grow up to lead happy, prosperous lives, so God laid down rules for us so that we might lead happy, prosperous lives.

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