March 18, 2017 Bible Study — Creating Reminders That We Are All The Children Of God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Joshua 21-22.

    When all of the tribes had claimed land to settle (or, at least, were satisfied with the land they had, there is at least one passage in Judges which suggest that the tribe of Dan did not acquire thier land until much later than this) the warriors from the tribes with land East of the Jordan were sent home by Joshua. They had been at war for about five years. Just before they crossed back over the Jordan they built a large and imposing altar, one which people could not help but notice. They did not build this altar as a place to make offerings. Rather they built it as a reminder to their descendants and to the descendants of the rest of the tribes of Israel that they were one people, who all worshiped one God. They built the altar as a memorial to the fact that they too were the chosen people of God. There is a lesson here for us that we too need to create reminders that we are all the children of God.

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