March 15, 2018 Bible Study — Never Too Old To Serve God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Joshua 12-14.

    Today’s passage summarizes the land which the Israelites gained control over as they ended their days as nomads. Perhaps I am reading too much into this, but it appears to me that the writer of the Book of Joshua perceived the Israelites as having been nomads from the time of Abraham until they defeated King Sihon east of the Jordan. At that point, they began to take ownership of land more than a burial plot. Even during their days in Egypt they viewed themselves as nomads. No longer. The writer lists the kings whom the Israelites had conquered, then lists the land which he considered to be part of Israel which had not been conquered as of Joshua’s death. Finally he begins describing the boundaries of the land assigned to each of the tribes.

    Once the writer described the boundaries of the land east of the Jordan the writer makes a slight detour and tells the story of the tribe of Judah conquering the land assigned to them. In particular he describes the story of Caleb claiming his land. Caleb, was along with Joshua, one of the twelve spies who spied out the land before their generation became too frightened to begin the invasion. Caleb is now an old man, but claims that he is still strong enough to conquer those living on the land promised to him and take possession of it. He credits remaining alive and strong when all of his peers (except Joshua) had died to God’s grace. Despite being forty plus years older than when he scouted out the land, Caleb is still confident that, if God is with him, he can defeat those who stand in his way. Let us follow Caleb’s example. No matter how old, or young, we are, we are capable, with God’s aid, of carrying out the mission which he has assigned us. We may have “one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel” but we can be sure that if we are following God’s direction and are depending on His strength we will accomplish the tasks He has set before us. The same is true of us who are still “wet behind the ears” as well. Just put your trust in God, do as He commands, and you will not fail.

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