March 15, 2017 Bible Study — So, You Think You’re Too Old To Serve God?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Joshua 12-14.

    The passage describes the Israelite conquest of Canaan and mentions that Joshua was an old man at this time (considering that he was, at the youngest, not much younger than 20 when he left Egypt, he would have been at least 60 by this point). However, the thing that always strikes me was Caleb asking for his land. First Caleb recounts that he was one of those who had scouted the land over 40 years earlier and reminds Joshua that he was one of those who at that time believed that Israel could conquer the land. Despite being 85 years old, Caleb was ready to take the land which had been promised him, land which was inhabited by the people of whom the Israelites had been so frightened 45 years older that they resisted entering the Promised Land at that time. He was confident that with God on his side he would be able to take possession of the land, even at 85 years of age. At 85 years of age, Caleb was still a fighter for the Lord, will I be? Will you be?

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