March 15, 2016 Bible Study — So, You Think You’re Too Old?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. I had been using One Year Bible Online, but it was time for a change.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Joshua 12-14.

    Today’s passage contains a list of the kings the Israelites defeated and the land they took control over under Joshua’s leadership (although Moses was still alive when they conquered the lands east of the Jordan). Despite the large number of kings whom they had defeated there was still a significant amount of land in the area God had promised them which the Israelites had not yet taken control over. God once more promised to drive the people living on the land still to be conquered out of that land, giving it to the Israelites. He instructed Joshua to include that land in the land designated for the various tribes as he divided the land among them.


    The most interesting part of this passage is that Caleb came to Joshua and requested his grant of land. What is interesting is that this happened at a point where the passage had just told us a few verses back that Joshua was an old man. Further, Caleb states in his request that he is 85 years old. If Caleb, at 85 years old, was prepared to battle for control over the land which God had promised him, how can you, at whatever age you are, say that you are too old to fight the battle to which God is calling you?

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