March 15, 2014 Bible Study — God Has Blessed and No Once Can Reverse It

    I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

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Proverbs 11:12-13

    We find it tempting to make fun of our neighbors and talk about how stupid their actions are. However, we would do better to keep our mouth’s shut and just listen because they may know something we don’t (or they might just be lucky enough to be right this time). The next proverb goes right along with that, telling us that a gossip betrays those who have confided in them. If you want people to trust you, don’t tell them the latest gossip (or any gossip).


Psalm 58:1-11

    When those who are in a position of authority no longer know the meaning of the word justice, violence spreads through the land. They are like deadly snakes spitting venom on everyone around. Such is the result of not teaching children to be truthful. However, it is only a matter of time until God will sweep them away. Injustice will be avenged and people will see that there is value in obeying God.

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Luke 1:57-80

    Zechariah was unable to speak for over nine months (from time he served in the Temple before Elizabeth was pregnant until she gave birth). Yet, when he got his voice back the first thing he did was praise God. He did not praise God for just a little bit, but to such a point that all of his neighbors began to wonder exactly what type of person John would turn out to be.


Numbers 22:21-23:30

    Yesterday we saw that rather than send the messengers from Balak on their way with what he knew to be God’s answer (“No”), Balaam had them stay the night and went to God once more. Today, God delayed Balaam’s trip to Balak so that He could make it clear to Balaam that he was not to curse the people of Israel. When Balaam got to Balak, Balak was angry that he had delayed in coming. Balaam replied that now he was there, but he would only be able to say what God told him to say. Balaam had Balak prepare sacrifices to God, then went and petitioned God for His message. When Balaam returned to Balak his message was essentially, “How can I curse those whom God has not cursed?” Let us remember that we are called to the same thing. We have been called to bless the people of this world, not curse them.
    Balak was not happy with the message which Balaam gave him, so he took him to another place where he asked Balaam to curse just part of the people of Israel. Once more Balaam had Balak prepare sacrifices and then went off to petition God for an answer. When he returned, in some ways his message for Balak was worse. The message which God gave Balaam for Balak was that He does not change His mind. Balaam told Balak, “God has blessed, and I cannot reverse it.” Despite Balaam telling him that he could not curse the people of Israel, Balak took Balaam to yet another place. God’s message to Balak this third time is in tomorrow’s passage.

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