March 13, 2023 Bible Study — Joshua Makes A Second Copy Of God’s Commands On Stone

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Joshua 8-9.

There is much I could write about the victory over Ai, or about the Gibeonite deception of the Israelites, but I want to focus on when Joshua gathered the Israelites between Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim.  Joshua was carrying out the command which God had given the Israelites through Moses to assemble between these two mountains after they entered the land.  Then, while the people were gathered, Joshua wrote a copy of the law Moses had given the Israelites on stones.  This would be the second set of God’s commands written on stones.  I have always had it in my head that Moses had carved God’s commands into the stone tablets he prepared on Mount Sinai.  So, when I read that Joshua wrote on these I thought they would be different than the ones which Moses made.  However, when I went to check that, I discovered that the translation says that Moses wrote them.  That does not mean that neither of these sets of stones with God’s commands on them were not chiseled, but it seems unlikely that Joshua took the time to chisel the law of Moses onto these stones in front of the gathered people of Israel.

Having said all of that, what does this mean for us?  Well, the passage also says that Joshua read all of the law of Moses to the people during this gathering.  That reminds me of one of my college professors who would write key statements from his lecture on the blackboard during his classes.  As he wrote them he would discuss what they meant and how they fit into the rest of what he was teaching.  For me, that approach accomplished two things.  First, they allowed me to take particular note of the statements he wrote on the blackboard, and second, they caused those statements to encapsulate the entire lesson the professor was teaching.  So, Joshua writing God’s commands on the stones and then reading those commands to the Israelites helped them to internalize those commands.  In the same way, my writing this blog helps me internalize the lessons I learn from my daily Scripture reading.  I hope that reading the passages I write about and then reading my thoughts about them will help you internalize what God has to say to you through those passages (which may or may not have anything to do with what I write).

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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