March 10, 2023 Bible Study — God Will Build His Kingdom From Those Who Were Not A Nation

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Deuteronomy 32-34.

Moses made one final prophecy to the Israelites.  He told them that when they had settled in the land and become prosperous they would turn from God, they would abandon God and worship other gods.  God would become angry and turn His back on them.  Since they had made Him jealous by worshiping that which was not a god, God would make them envious by embracing those who are not a people, and angry by giving wisdom to a nation which had no understanding.  Before I write about what I see in that I want to point out what the compiler of this book wrote at the very end.

Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, who did all those signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do in Egypt…

The man who wrote that was referring back to an earlier prophecy which Moses had made where he told the Israelites that God would raise up a prophet like him for them to follow.  The compiler was saying that Moses’ prophecy about a prophet like him had not yet been fulfilled.   Which brings me to what I believe Moses meant when he said that God wake the Israelites jealous of those who were not a people.  Through Jesus, God has taken people from all over the world, people who not only had no ties in common but instead had animosity towards one another and forged them into a nation, that nation is His Church.  God took people whose traditions did not understand God and gave them His wisdom.  God did this in the desire to draw the descendants of Jacob back to Him.  Let us seek, by our faithfulness, to draw those He first loved back to Him.

I am tempted to write more about how God desired for the Israelites to faithfully follow His commands, and thus draw all people to Him, but, knowing that would not work, instead used them to bring His Son, Jesus, to this earth.  Through Jesus, God is drawing people from every tribe and nation to Him, creating a new nation and thus draw in the Israelites as well.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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