March 10, 2020 Bible Study — Just Because God Uses Someone to Punish His People Does Not Mean They Get a Free Pass for Doing Evil

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 32-34.

In his final address to the Israelites, Moses predicted that at some point in the future they would be unfaithful to God.  He further predicted that when that day came terrible things would happen to them.  One could easily read that part of Moses’ prediction and conclude that those responsible for the terrible things suffered by the Jewish people through the centuries were justified.  However, Moses also makes clear that God will not forget the terrible things done to His people and He will deliver justice against those who cause their suffering.  The basic message in Moses’ address applies to all people in some way.  Those who choose to be among God’s people will thrive when they obey and serve Him, but will face great suffering when they rebel against Him.  However, just because God uses someone, or some group, to bring suffering on those who rebelled against does not mean they will be free from suffering the consequences of causing others to suffer.

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