March 10, 2019 Bible Study –Moses Predicts the People’s Rebellion

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 32-34.

Moses had just called for the people of Israel to accept God’s covenant, and they had done so, when he recited this song for them.  This song predicted that they would break the covenant they had just made with God and suffer the consequences of doing so.  Moses further predicted that God would call people to Himself who were not a people, from among the Gentiles He would call people to Himself to make the descendants of Israel jealous.  He would do this while allowing the enemies of Israel to triumph over them and to persecute them. 

I wasn’t sure where I was going with this when I started, but as I wrote the above I realized something.  When the people of Israel rebelled against God He called forth two groups from among the rest of humanity.  Those whom He called to be His own and make the descendants of Israel jealous, and those who hate and persecute them because they rebelled against Him.  The former are those who recognize that God, the Rock of Israel, is Supreme and strive to serve Him.  The latter are those who serve the gods and demons whom Israel turned to in their rebellion.  Those who hate and persecute Jews (who are the descendants of Israel) do not serve God, rather they are His enemies.  Those who seek to serve God by following Christ must recognize that their calling is to serve as a beacon to draw the descendants of Israel back to serving God.  Those who choose to be the enemies of the descendants of Israel make themselves the enemies of God and will suffer the just consequences for their sins.


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