March 10, 2018 Bible Study — God Uses Gentiles to Make the Children of Israel Jealous

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 32-34.

    Moses wrapped up his final address to the Children of Israel by singing a song of prophecy. This song foretells that when the Children of Israel become prosperous they will forget God’s commands and worship other gods. I will note that while this song was prophetic and foretells the future it is not intended to recount in detail what would happen. For me the most striking part is where God declares that they have roused His jealousy by worshiping other gods, so He will rouse their jealousy by people who are not even a people. God declares that He will not forget His people, the Children of Israel, and will restore them to His presence. This to me is such a striking prophecy of God’s plans to create the Church, to make a people out of those who are not a people. As Christians we come from all parts of the world, but God has made us one people, His people. Yet despite creating a people for Himself out of those drawn to Christ, God still loves the descendants of Jacob and desires to bring them back to Himself, to make them once more His people. As Christians we should never forget that God constantly desires for the Jews to once more take their place as the People of God. How that place relates to the Church which God has created as His people in the meantime is beyond my understanding. I have heard various suggestions as to what that might be, but I have my doubts as to our ability to comprehend God’s plan in this matter before the day of Christ’s return.

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