Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 5-7.
Today’s passage begins with the Ten Commandments, or the Ten Sayings. It ends with Moses telling the Israelites not to fear the people living in the land which God was giving them. He told them that if they paid attention to God’s commands and kept them, He would drive those peoples out before them. Moses backed up his claim that the Israelites did not need to fear by reminding them that they had already seen God’s power. If God had done all they had already seen, they should know that nothing and no one could prevent Him from doing more for them. The same is true for us. We have seen God’s great power, so we need have no fear of anything. We should not covet the good things which others have, for God will give us that which brings us greater joy than those things could. We should not worship other “gods” because God can do for us all that they can and more. Remember what God has done for us. And when He speaks to us today let us listen and obey for that will bring us greater joy than any other course of action.
I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.