March 1, 2024 Bible Study — Impress God’s Commands Upon Our Hearts

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Deuteronomy 5-7.

Moses recounts the Ten Commandments and makes some commentary on them.  He tells the Israelites that the purpose of God’s commands was so that it would go well for those who obeyed them.  Moses then tells them that they should have God’s commandments on their hearts and should impress them on their children.  We should strive to do the same thing.  Moses even told us how we can do that.  We do it by talking about God’s decrees and commands when we are at home, and when we travel; by talking about them when we get up and when we lie down; by putting reminders of them on our hands, our foreheads, and on our house, and in our houses.  We should strive to bring up God’s laws whenever and wherever we can.  We should carry things and have things in our houses which lead our children, our guests, and the strangers we meet ask us about God’s laws and what they mean to us.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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