June 30, 2022 Bible Study — If Those To Whom God Has Given Authority To Judge The Wicked Fail To Do So, God Will Handle It Directly

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Psalms 82-89.

I am going to write the thoughts which came to me as I read today’s psalms, even though today’s psalms have disparate themes.  The first psalm starts out with a challenge to those in positions of authority.  All too often those with power and authority defend the unjust and show favor to the wicked.  The psalmist calls on them to instead defend the weak and uphold the cause of the oppressed, to rescue the weak from the hand of the wicked.  Paul writes in his letter to the Church in Rome that God established the government to punish the wicked.  The psalmist points out here that many in positions of authority not only fail that purpose, but actively aid the wicked.  However, the psalmist also warns them that if they fail to administer justice, God will take matters into His own hands and they will be on the receiving end along with the wicked whom they aided.  All too often those whom the psalmist was addressing here respond to the knowledge that God will judge them by plotting against those who faithfully follow Him.  They come to believe that they can escape God’s judgement by silencing those who speak His word.  However, God alone is the Most High over all of the earth and will show Himself to them.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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