June 3, 2014 Bible Study — You Will Receive Power

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Proverbs 16:18

    This is a proverb that is very well known because of how true it is, and many forget it to their detriment:

Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.

I ask God to never allow pride to make me think of others as less than myself.


Psalm 121:1-8

    Help comes from the Lord, let us look first to God for help. If we rely on His help, He will not allow us to stumble or slip. God does not slumber, nor does He sleep. Whenever trouble may come upon us, God will be there to rescue us. This is such a beautiful psalm. I will meditate on it all day today.


Acts 1:1-26

    Just before Jesus ascended into Heaven, He reminded the Apostles that the Holy Spirit would come upon them. It would fill them with power to do the works of God and wonders to convince people of the Gospel message. We are heirs to the Apostles and will also receive the power of the Holy Spirit. Likewise, we are also to be witnesses to Jesus locally, regionally, and worldwide.
    The Eleven Apostles gathered together with other believers and selected Matthias to become an apostle with them to replace Judas. From this (and some of Paul’s writings), I conclude that the role of apostle is one which was meant to continue until Christ’s return. The word after all means “sent one” and was used in Classical Greek to refer to ambassadors and similar officials. God has not stopped sending ambassadors, apostles, to the world with His words for the world. If He has chosen any of us to be His apostle to the world today, let us not refuse to carry His message.


2 Samuel 20:14-21:22

    Sheba, the man who led a rebellion against David shortly after David had defeated Absalom, fled from David’s army led by Joab. Sheba holed up in a fortified town, along with all of the members of his clan. Joab besieged the town and began battering down the walls. A wise woman in the town parlayed with Joab asking why he was attempting to destroy this town with importance to the nation of Israel. Joab responded that he had no interest in destroying the town, he merely wanted Sheba. The woman responded that the town would throw Sheba’s head over the wall to Joab.
    There is no doubt that the woman knew what Joab wanted before she started speaking to him. However, in all negotiations it is important that both sides declare what their goals are. In this case, the woman declared, indirectly, the town’s loyalty to the nation of Israel. Joab replied that he was seeking the man who was leading a rebellion. The two sides were able to negotiate peace because both sides declared what they would accept to settle the conflict. Joab declared that he would accept the minimum necessary to end the rebellion. The people of the town declared that they would no longer support rebellion against David. Thus peace was restored.

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