June 28, 2018 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 72-77.

    The first of today’s psalms is a prayer for good government. A good government implements God’s justice. It defends the poor and rescues the children of the needy. The godly will flourish under such a government and its power will extend well beyond its borders. All the nations of the earth are blessed when even one country has a good government by God’s standards.

    We are often tempted to envy the proud and wicked because life seems so easy for them. It is hard to understand why they prosper in a world where God is in control. But if we truly fellowship with God we will understand that the wicked will face His judgement. The joy of knowing that God cares for us and walks with us far outweighs any pleasure the wicked might obtain from this world. In God’s time they will learn the emptiness of the pleasures they seek. We must not become bitter because the wicked appear to be thriving.

    Psalms 74 and 75 remind me of my thoughts and concerns about the fact that we do not see miraculous signs around us in the way my reading of the New Testament suggests that we should. These two psalms are very heartening for me in light of that. They suggest that the absence of miraculous signs is a part of God’s plan, rather than a sign of our lack of faithfulness. Those who set themselves up against God feel empowered by God’s lack of signs, but God has warned them. In due time, in God’s time, He will rise up and bring judgment against them. He will not overlook their insults indefinitely. While those who continued to praise Him, even when it seemed He would no longer act, will be rewarded.

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