June 27, 2017 Bible Study — Is My Life An Example?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 68-71.

    Psalms 68 starts us off by calling on us to praise God and giving us reasons to do so. He is a God of justice, mercy, and power. He is father to the fatherless and the defender of widows. He places the lonely into families. Yet His power is so great that all the kings of the earth will give Him tribute. In the next psalm, the element that most strikes me is that in all of his suffering, the psalmist’s greatest concern is that his sins not bring disgrace on those who put their trust in the Lord. He despairs and cannot keep his head above water, so he cries out to God. He first confesses his sins, then asks that God not allow those who trust Him be allowed to be shamed by his sins. Only after making these requests does the psalmist begin to make requests for himself.

    In today’s final psalm the psalmist proclaims that he has been an example to many because he put his trust in God and never stopped praising Him. That sets a standard for us to live up to, are we, am I, and example for others? Have I lived a life that is an example for others to follow? The rest of the psalmist tells us what we must be to be an example. If we wish to be an example to others we must praise God continuously; we must tell others about the wonderful things He has done.

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