June 26, 2017 Bible Study — Keep Calm And Wait For God To Act

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 60-67.

    I am struggling today to get the thoughts to come together. However, I will start by pulling out two quotes from Psalms 62 which I believe reflect what our attitude should be. First:

I wait quietly before God,
for my victory comes from him.

This is certainly easier said than done. We want to act to deal with what we perceive as threats, but God wants us to want quietly for Him to act. In this context “wait quietly” does not mean that we do not tell others about our understanding of God. It means to wait calmly for God to reveal our part in His plans. When our enemies are attacking us, we need not panic If we rely on God to be our fortress.

Let all that I am wait quietly before God,
for my hope is in him.

The key is focusing all of our being on serving God and calmly waiting for Him to act. Then, when He has acted, let us tell all who will listen what He has done for us.

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