June 21, 2022 Bible Study — We Can Walk Securely Where God Guides Us

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Psalms 23-31.

Psalm 23 is beloved for good reasons.  The imagery used by the psalmist communicates God’s love for us in ways which are both comforting and complete.  However, we can miss some of what the psalmist is saying because so few of us know anything about shepherding.  Fortunately, the some of the other psalms in today’s passage speak on the same theme. Let’s start with that first phrase: “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing”                                                               The sheep trust the shepherd, and we must trust the Lord.  Just as a shepherd guides the sheep and teaches them the paths to take, we must allow God to guide and teach us.  This Universe belongs to God, as does everything, and everyone, in it.  Therefore, if we trust in God, He can, and will, provide for all of our needs.  Further, if we put our trust in God, and walk in the ways to which He guides us, we need fear nothing, no matter how desperate our situation may appear to us, because God will be at our side.

I want to touch on a few other things mentioned in today’s Psalms I want to write about.  While God offers us guidance and teaching, we must humbly accept that teaching without demanding more than what He offers us at this time.  God will test us and try us, examining our hearts, as He shows us what He next desires of us.  If we wish to spend our days in God’s house, we must not allow ourselves to be influenced by the deceitful and hypocrites.  If we assemble with evildoers and socialize with the wicked, we will drift, or perhaps move even more rapidly, away from God.  Let us seek the Lord by joining with those who also seek His face.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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