June 2, 2017 Bible Study — Praying Does Not Take the Place of Planning

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Nehemiah 1-3.

    When Nehemiah learned that the situation in Jerusalem was bad, he did not immediately act, nor did he put it aside. Instead he prayed and fasted, seeking God’s guidance. In addition, it seems like he planned what he could do. Once Nehemiah thought he had a plan that he believed to have God’s blessing he turned to God in prayer and acknowledged his sinfulness. At every step of the way, Nehemiah prayed before he acted. Not only did he pray, but he acknowledged his own sin. I want to emphasize that before Nehemiah asked God to give him success when he went before the king, which he did before he went before the king, he had a detailed plan and knew what he would require. He was prepared for success. He had the answer to the king’s questions about how long it would take and what he would need to accomplish his task.

    When Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, he did not reveal his plans until he was able to make a site survey. We do not know why Sanballat, Tobaih, and their allies opposed rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, but it is clear from the beginning that they did. They seem to have viewed any success by the returned exiles as an affront. It seems as if they were afraid that if the Jews rebuilt Jerusalem it would show their own people that they did not have to be satisfied with what they allowed them to have. The rebuilding of Jerusalem would demonstrate that a group of people working together could improve their lot in life and not be stuck in whatever rut they found themselves.

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