June 19, 2022 Bible Study — Let Us Call On God, He Will Hear Our Prayer

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Psalms 10-17.

Today we have once more several different Psalms which are not really thematically connected, and yet there is a thread running through them.  In them all the psalmist writes of a time when wickedness abounds, when no one seems to be seeking the Lord.  The wicked do not believe that they will ever be called to account.  Everyone looks around and sees evil around them, but none (or, at least, very few) examine themselves to see if they act in a manner pleasing to God.  Everyone, it seems, lies to their neighbors, flattering others so as to deceive them.  But God sees the trouble of the afflicted and oppressed and will act.  Let us take refuge in God, then we will not need to flee to the mountains, or to the wilderness, to escape the evil in this world.  Yes, the attempt is being made to destroy the foundations of righteousness, but despite their best efforts God still sits on His throne.  So, let us call on God in prayer that He might call people back to Him.  The answer to the problems we face today is not changing the government, is not changing the institutions around us.  We will not solve the problems we see by getting new laws passed, or even by changing Church leadership.  The answer lies in turning our hearts to God and seeking to do His will, on calling those around us to seek Him.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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