June 18, 2017 Bible Study — Those Who Delight In The Lord Will Find Joy

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 1-9.

    I do not think that there is one theme which ties all of these psalms together. However, each of these psalms presents us with a starting point to worshiping the Lord. The first one starts us off by reminding us that joy comes to those who delight in God’s commands, seeking to understand them ever more fully. You will not find joy by following the advice of the wicked, nor by spending your time hanging out with them. The second psalm tells us that most of the people of this earth seek freedom from God’s rules, a futile pursuit. Then we have several psalms which emphasize the importance of turning to God for protection and deliverance. If we faithfully obey God we will always be outnumbered by our enemies, but their plots and attacks against us will fail…even when they think they have succeeded. Our enemies will use lies and deception in their attempts to bring us down, but God will use their own deception against them. The psalmist expresses the truth that we are not strong enough to stand against our many enemies, but that God has more than sufficient strength to defeat them. Let us perform the tasks which God has given us and call on Him to defend us and take the fight to our enemies.

    The final two psalms in today’s reading focus on praising the Lord. Psalm 8 tells us to look at the majesty of the Universe and realize how big, powerful, and amazing God is. In comparison to the Universe which God created, we are small and insignificant. Yet God cares deeply for each and every one of us. Compared to the expanse and wonder of the Universe in which God has placed us the gap between the poorest, least powerful among us and the richest billionaire, most powerful President, or most eminent Poobah is nothing. I will praise the Lord with all my heart, for He hears, and answers, the cries of those who suffer.

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