June 17, 2018 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Job 38-42.

    Throughout the book Job had challenged God to answer him. Now God does so. Job had questioned why God acted as He did, questioning whether His acts were truly just. Now God replies by asking Job some questions. Faced with God’s questions Job realized that he did not know enough to question God’s decisions. Looking at the questions which God asked Job, we see that science has learned the answer to many of them, but the point still stands: Our limited minds are not capable of knowing and understanding enough to second guess God. It is human nature for us to question God when we see injustice in the world. However, if we truly seek God, He will reveal Himself to us, and like Job, we will find that we have to confess that we lacked understanding and repent of our anger towards God. In the end we see that it was Job’s three friends, who defended God with inaccurate generalizations made universal, who were condemned by God. Job called on God for answers when he perceived wrong in the way the world worked. His friends declared that what Job perceived must be the way things ought to be. God’s response was that Job was correct to think that it looked wrong, but that Job did not know enough to understand what was going on.

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