June 16, 2017 Bible Study — I Have Sinned, But I Will Sin No More…If Only It Were That Easy

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Job 34-37.

    Elihu says some things to which we should pay attention, but much of his argument against Job is against a strawman. Elihu quotes Job as saying, ‘Why waste time trying to please God?’ Which Job did indeed say, but Job’s statement was more a rhetorical question spoken out of frustration than a suggestion that there was no value in pleasing God. Elihu is guilty of doing what Job’s other friends did. He assumes that Job must be guilty of some sin because he is suffering. He claims that Job associated with the evil and the wicked solely on the basis of the fact that Job was afflicted. Despite these flaws in his reasoning, Elihu tells us some things of value. It is not possible for God to do wrong. God will not twist justice. Most importantly, Elihu reminds us that God is no respecter of persons, He does not care how great we may by, nor how great others many think that we are.

    Elihu gives us two prayers which should form the basis for our life. The first is, “I have sinned, but I will sin no more.” This is for those times when we know we have sinned and what sin we have committed. I will add that it is not that easy, at least not for me. I need to make that prayer, “I have sinned, but with Your help I will sin no more.” It is only by the Spirit directing my steps that I am able to stop sinning.
    The second may be even more important. It is for when we do not know of any sins we have committed. ‘I don’t know what evil I have done—tell me. If I have done wrong, I will stop at once.’ Each and every day, let us ask God to show us how we have sinned so that we can repent of our mistakes and change our ways. All too often we are unaware that certain of our actions are sin. We think that we were perfectly justified for doing something which God wants us to never do again. We must ask His Spirit to scour our hearts and reveal these sins to us. we must be receptive to acknowledging the areas in our lives where we need to change. That change will never be easy, but it will certainly be worth it.

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