June 15, 2015 Bible Study — God Will Reveal Himself To Those Who Seek Him

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I apologize if my writing over the last few days has been below my usual standard. I have not been feeling well and if the doctor is to be believed I will feel this way for a few more. On the other hand, if my writing has not been substandard, praise God because it is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that such is possible.


Proverbs 17:7-8

    Every time I read this proverb I struggle with how to express what it conveys to me. When a fool speaks eloquently they may convince many people to take foolish actions. It is even worse when a government leader lies. When a government leader lies a whole gamut of things can go wrong, from an innocent person being unjustly condemned to a nation going to war for no good reason.


Psalm 133:1-3

    This psalm is a reminder that God’s people should live together in harmony and unity. Let us strive for that blessing in the way we live our lives.


Acts 10:1-23

    As I read this passage this morning, it communicated something to me that I don’t think I have ever noticed about it before, even though it is something I have deeply believed for a long time. Cornelius was a God-fearing man who genuinely sought to know God. Cornelius followed where his search led him and that search led him to Jesus. I believe that every person who genuinely seeks to find God and to follow His will will come to Jesus, sooner or later.
    On the other side, we have Peter. While God was showing Cornelius how to come closer to Him, He was also preparing Peter. Again this is how things work. God prepares us for changes in our lives before they come about. If we listen to the messages God sends us we will be prepared to serve Him.


1 Kings 14-15:24

    Despite being placed in his position of power by God, Jeroboam failed to even make a pretense of faithfully serving God. This passage makes it clear that he knew the role God played in his becoming king of Israel. When his son got sick he sent his wife to consult the prophet who had told him he would one day be king. Jeroboam knowingly turned his back on God in his pursuit of what he believed was his own interest. He suffered as a result.

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