June 14, 2020 Bible Study Fear of the Lord Is True Wisdom

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Job 22-28.

Once again today I struggle to understand parts of Job’s monologues.  At one point he seems to say that God does not punish the wicked.  Yet, as he expands on his point, he goes on to say that the wicked are cursed and live in fear, that God will drag them away because of their wickedness.  Then Job sarcastically commends his friends for the ways in which they have helped the weak and powerless.  It seems to me that Job is making the case that if we do not seek to help the oppressed we are as guilty as those who oppress them.  I will say that helping the oppressed is not some abstract thing where we protest about the hardship visited upon some group.  Helping the oppressed means identifying specific individuals being oppressed and working with them to help them overcome their troubles.

Even though he believes that his troubles came from God Job refuses to speak or do evil.  He vows to strive to do what is right in God’s eyes.  Despite his suffering, Job declares that he still believes that God will bring judgement upon the wicked.  He acknowledges that for all of his own ability, or even the ability of other people, God is the only source of wisdom.  Mankind may be masters at finding resources for their own enjoyment, but no one can find wisdom apart from God.  Job tells us that wisdom is fear of the Lord and understanding leads one to forsake evil in all its forms.

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