June 14, 2019 Bible Study — Fear of the Lord Reveals Wisdom, Forsake Evil to Gain Understanding

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Job 22-28.

In this his third response to Job, Eliphaz goes well over the line. Not content with general allegations that Job must have sinned, Elihphaz now begins to theorize about what sins Job must have committed.  Eliphaz is convinced that Job must have committed one or more of the worst sins that he can imagine solely on the basis of Job’s suffering.  He has witnessed no action on Job’s part  on which to base these accusations.  Eliphaz makes a mistake to which we are all too prone.  He wants to believe that bad things only happen to bad people.  Therefore, he decides since bad things are happening to Job, Job must be a bad person.  I pray that I never make this mistake.  I know that I have been tempted to do so in the past.

I do not know what to make of most of the rest of this passage.  I can see several things which deserve my attention, but do not know how to write anything about them.  However, Job makes a vow which I strive to make my own, and I pray that you will do the same.  In Chapter 27 verses 3 & 4 Job says:  “as long as I have life within me,  the breath of God in my nostrils,  my lips will not say anything wicked, and my tongue will not utter lies.”  Certainly easier said than done.  Nevertheless, I will strive to follow his example.  Then at the end of today’s passage Job reminds us that wisdom is more valuable than anything else we can obtain, and much harder to find.  In order to find wisdom we must approach God, for only He can direct us to it.  If we forsake evil we will gain understanding and fear of God reveals wisdom to us.  

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