June 14, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I apologize if my writing over the last few days has been below my usual standard. I have not been feeling well and if the doctor is to be believed I will feel this way for a few more. On the other hand, if my writing has not been substandard, praise God because it is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that such is possible.


Proverbs 17:6

    It is natural for people to be proud of their grandchildren. At the very least. grandchildren are a sign that one was not a complete failure as a parent. Children should be proud of their parents. I know that I am proud of my mother and father. They are great servants of the Lord and I strive to live up to their example.


Psalm 132:1-18

    As a Christian, I do not put much emphasis on Jerusalem, but it is clear from this and other psalms that Jerusalem is special to God. If the people of Jerusalem are faithful to God, He will protect the city from all threats. Jerusalem is God’s desired home on this planet and will bring prosperity to it, as long as its people serve Him.


Acts 9:26-43

    Here is the second reference in the Bible to Barnabas. In it we see that Barnabas has at least some of what I call the “tendency to take in strays.” Here we see the first evidence that if it was not for Barnabas, Saul/Paul would never have risen to the prominence he later had in the Church. When Saul arrived in Jerusalem after his conversion in Damascus none of the Christians in Jerusalem would have anything to do with him because of the way he had previously persecuted Christians. Except for Barnabas, who met with Saul and took him to meet with the apostles. We, also, discover in this passage that Saul was not afraid of offending people (similar to Stephen, whose stoning Saul witnessed).


1 Kings 12:20-13:34

    When every tribe of Israel except for Judah rejected Rehoboam as king, he raised an army to try to force them to accept him. However, a prophet came forward and warned the people of Judah against going to war against their countrymen. The passage does not outright say this, but I do not think that it was Rehoboam’s decision to stand down the army. I think that the men of the army chose not to go to war after the prophet spoke to them and Rehoboam had no choice but to accept their decision.
    As soon as the threat of immediate war with Rehoboam was passed, Jeroboam created two golden calves which he encouraged his people to worship in place of God. Jeroboam was afraid that if his people continued to go to the Temple in Jerusalem to worship God they would start to give their allegiance to Rehoboam. Jeroboam chose “pragmatism” over obeying God. A mistake which continues to plague mankind.

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