June 11, 2023 Bible Study — Fear Of God Causes Us To Appreciate That He Has Given Us A Mediator

Today, I am reading and commenting on Job 6-10.

Every time I read today’s passage I am struck by what Job says in chapter 9 verses 32 through 35.  I know I have touched on it previously, but I want to look at it closer this year.  Here Job expresses a wish that there was a being which could act as a mediator between himself and God.  He expressed that desire after describing how no mortal can argue their case before God because He is so much more powerful, just, and righteous than any of us can possibly be.  Standing in the presence of a Being such as God is, leaves even the most upright mortal trembling in fear.  This leads Job to desire a being which could act as a mediator so that the terror of being in God’s presence would not leave us tongue-tied and unable to speak.

Which leads us to two lessons.  If we truly understand who and what God is, we will tremble and be paralyzed by our inadequacy and sinfulness before Him.  The first step to salvation, to being more than a broken, useless thing, is to fear God with a “hide under the table” sort of fear.  Before we can learn of His love and truly understand it we must feel the overwhelming terror of being in His Presence and feel in our bones the need for Someone to mediate between ourselves and God.  And from His Grace and Love, God has provided just such a mediator in Jesus Christ.  Once we perceive our complete inadequacy in the face of God’s omnipotence, we can understand the love which led Him to become human and come to us on our level.  Job cried out of our need for a mediator, and God revealed that He would provide just such a mediator.  Every time I read this passage, I praise God for sending Jesus to be such a mediator between myself (and every other human being) and God.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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