June 11, 2016 Bible Study — In Our Suffering We Have a Mediator

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading. I had been using One Year Bible Online, but it was time for a change.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Job 6-10.

    Whenever I read parts of Job I struggle with what to write. There is both so much and so little there. OK, little is the wrong word. When reading the Book of Job, it is easy to take the main point, that suffering is not always a result of doing wrong, and leave it at that. But there is clearly more to the book than that because it does not take 42 chapters to make that point.


    Job correctly expresses the idea that it is OK for a person who is suffering to complain about that suffering. Yet, despite his suffering, Job never denied God’s Word or Holiness. His friends on the other hand assumed his guilt. They accused him of wrongdoing with only his suffering as evidence. In his suffering Job begs God to end his life. Yet notice that Job does not at any point attempt suicide. Job wanted to plead his case before God, yet he knew that would be futile. He recognized that even if he were right, he would not be able to make a case that would stand up in God’s courts. Then Job says something which goes to the heart of Christianity. If only there were a mediator who could go between man and God and bring us together. Well, the heart of Christianity is that there IS a mediator between God and man. That mediator is Jesus Christ.

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