June 10, 2023 Bible Study — The Lord Gives And The Lord Takes Away; May The Name Of The Lord Be Praised

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Job 1-5.

I find it challenging to write about today’s passage because it contains so many lessons for us.  First, some will attempt to belittle our faith and the righteousness which God had given us by claiming that we only have faith, and only behave righteously, because life has been good to us, because God has blessed us.  They will claim that if we face hardship in this life we will turn from God and commit many acts which God condemns.  And, if we suffer hardship, others will claim that we do so because we have committed horrible, terrible acts.

Job himself gives us a lesson on facing hardship.  When he lost all of his wealth, including his children, he mourned his loss and then worshiped God.  He acknowledged that everything he had lost had come from God in the first place, so God had every right to take it back from him.  In fact, in the middle of mourning his loss he praised the Lord.  Then, when his health was destroyed and he experienced pain all day, every day, he refused to blame God, instead choosing to accept the suffering he experienced just as he had accepted the blessings he had previously experienced.  We should follow Job’s example.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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