June 10, 2020 Bible Study The Accuser Tries To Convince Us That We Suffer Because We Are Not Good Enough To Be Loved By God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Job 1-5.

I am sure that I have noted this in previous years, but the one who appeared before God and started Job’s suffering is literally the accuser.  Whether this is a title, or merely the role played by this individual is open to debate.  Personally, I believe that the decision by the translators of the New Living Translation to capitalize the word “accuser” in this is accurate and we should view the word “Satan” as it appears after this as “Accuser”.  That is what Satan is.  He is the Accuser.  He accused Job of only worshiping and praising God because he was wealthy.  Then later when Job continued to worship and praise God after losing all of his wealth, he accused Job of only doing so because he was healthy.  Yet, the Accuser was wrong.  Job continued to praise God even after he lost his wealth and continued to praise Him when he became sickly.  Even in the depths of depression which he began to suffer, Job did not stop worshiping God.

We should be willing to accept both the good and the bad from the hand of God.  In fact, we should rejoice when we experience what the world views as bad things because they mean that God has found us worthy to share in Jesus’ suffering.  There is another lesson to this passage as well.  All of us hear the voice of Satan when he accuses us of not being good enough, or of only doing good because of rewards.  The Accuser tries to convince us to give up because our sins count as more than God’s forgiveness.  Or to convince us that if only we did more good that is what it would take to gain God’s approval.  The Accuser tells us that our suffering means that God does not love us, but Jesus tells us that God does love us and suffering is one of the signs of God’s love.

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