July 8, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

1 Chronicles 5:18-6:81

     Today’s passage begins with a short account of how the tribes of Gad, Reuben and the half-tribe of Manasseh took control of land east of the Jordan river. It then follows with an account of the line of Aaron from Levi, his ancestor, to the Babylonian captivity. Next we have an account of the clans of the tribe of Levi. It is not clear to me what the relationship of the people listed is to Levi. It appears that the passage lists Levi’s sons, followed by a listing of various prominent descendants of those sons. We then come to an account of the people that David assigned to be musicians in the Temple once it was built. This is followed by the comment that only Aaron and his descendants served as priests, which includes a list of some of his descendants. Finally the passage discusses the cities and towns that were designated as the property of the Levites throughout the lands settled by the children of Israel.

Acts 26:1-32

     Paul began his defense before King Agrippa by complimenting King Agrippa on his knowledge of Jewish customs and laws. He then mentioned his thorough training in Jewish law and his adherence to the sect of the Pharisees, referring to it as the strictest sect of Judaism. Paul said that the accusations against him were a result of his belief that God could and would raise people from the dead. Paul told how he strenuously persecuted those who believed in Jesus, until he experienced a vision while on his way to Damascus. Paul told the court that in the vision he heard a voice asking him why he persecuted Him and that “It is hard for you to kick against the oxgoads.” An oxgoad is a pointed stick used to poke an ox and goad it into moving in the desired direction, so this last sentence implies that God had been driving Paul towards serving Christ for a time before he had this vision. Paul went on to say that the voice in the vision identified itself as Jesus. It further told Paul that he was being appointed to preach to the Gentiles in order to turn them from Satan to God. Paul went on to say that he obeyed the voice in the vision and began preaching that all must repent their sins and turn to God, and that they must prove the change by doing good works. This is an interesting point Paul makes here. In his letters Paul emphasized that our works do not save us, but here he stated something similar to what James wrote about. Paul said that if we are changed by faith, our actions will reflect that change. Paul finished by saying that Jesus died and was resurrected as a way to announce to the world God’s plan for salvation.
     Festus interrupted him here and called him crazy. Paul responded that he is not crazy and that King Agrippa was familiar with the events of which he was speaking. Paul then asked King Agrippa if he believed the prophets and answered his own question by saying that he knew he did. King Agrippa interrupted Paul to ask him if he thought he could persuade him to become a Christian so quickly. Paul responded by saying that he did not care if it happened quickly or slowly, but that he wished that all present would come to the same faith the he, Paul, held to. This should be the desire of each of us, to convince those we meet to accept the Gospel, whether quickly or over time, in whatever manner the Spirit of God moves.

Psalm 6:1-10

     The psalmist begs God for forgiveness, acknowledging his weakness in keeping God’s commands. He speaks of how sorrowful he is for his sins, but also his confidence that God will answer his prayer. I understand this. This spring I was unemployed and facing financial difficulties. I prayed to God for Him to show me how to go and my prayers were becoming desperate. Yet I had faith that God would provide and He has. Just as my financial reserves were exhausted He provided me with a job that is financially and emotionally rewarding. While the schedule is not as nice as the job I lost, the work is more fulfilling and gives me a greater sense of accomplishment. In addition, it provides me with experience that makes me a more marketable employee going forward. God has rescued me in much the way that this psalm expresses faith that He will. When I was tempted to become despondent because of the trials I was facing, my faith in God, and psalms such as this one, kept me from doing so. God has shown himself to be faithful and provided for my needs.

Proverbs 18:20-21

     The first proverb tells us that the right words are as satisfying as a good meal. I do not know whether the writer is speaking of saying or hearing the right words, or perhaps he means both. That is certainly my experience. There have been times when someone has come up to me and used just the right words to make me feel good about myself at a moment when I needed it and it has been very satisfying. On the other hand, there have been times when out of nowhere exactly the right words to say to someone struggling have come to me and that also has been very satisfying. Saying the words that someone needs to hear at that moment is a feeling that cannot be surpassed.
     The second proverb tells us that saying the wrong thing at the wrong time can be every bit as destructive as saying the right thing at the right time can be uplifting. If you love to talk, you will reap both the positive and negative consequences of your words. I love to talk but I struggle to restrain that love so as to avoid saying things that might hurt others. I try to think about how others will hear my words before I utter them. I often unsuccessful.

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