July 7, 2022 Bible Study — Save Me Lord From Lies And Deceit, My Lies And Deceit

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Psalms 120-135.

When the psalmist wrote:

Save me, Lord,
from lying lips

and from deceitful tongues.

he was talking about his enemies, but I think we can gain some wisdom by applying his prayer here to ourselves.  Because all too often the trouble we face comes from the lies we tell and the deceit we practice.  And I know that only God can keep me from telling more of those lies, or practicing more of that deceit.  Fortunately, God does watch over us, and He will not allow our foot to slip (although He gives us the freedom to slide our foot along a slippery surface if we make that choice).  Our help comes from the Lord, so let us look to Him.  Also in today’s passage the psalmist writes that we should watch the Lord the way a slave watches the hand of his master.  We should keep our eyes steadfastly fixed on God, watching for the merest hint of displeasure, or the most insignificant flick of the fingers indicating something He wants done.  If we keep ourselves so focused, we will not have time to take any action of which He disapproves.  I know that I fail in following this advice all too often.

There was a lot more in these psalms which spoke to me as I read them, but I am going to stop here.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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