July 6, 2022 Bible Study — Meditate On God’s Law So That We Obey It And Can Tell It To Others

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Psalms 119.

Today’s psalm is an acrostic poem using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet to start each stanza.  It is also the longest psalm in the Bible by a wide margin.  I am not sure what all of that has to do with the theme of my blog today.  The psalmist dedicates himself to steadfastly following God’s instructions.  He tells us that obeying God’s laws as we understand them while seeking to learn and understand them is the path to a good life.  Learning and obeying God’s laws comes from studying them, meditating on them, and repeating them out loud to others.  In addition, we must avoid that which we know to be deceitful and evil.  One step precedes these, and that is recognizing that we fail to truly obey God and that the only way we can actually do so is by allowing His Spirit to transform us.  So, let me meditate upon God’s word and listen to His Spirit speaking in my heart so that I might praise God while obeying Him.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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