July 3, 2022 Bible Study — All Too Often We Forget What God Has Done For Us

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Psalms 105-107.

Often when we think of the ways in which the Israelites were saved by God, and then turned away from following His commands only to cry out to Him again and be saved, we think of the first being one generation, the turning away to be another, and often the crying out to be a third generation.  However, the psalmist points out here that during Exodus, God saved the Israelites from Egypt only for the same generation to turn to idolatry, suffer for it, turn back to Him and be rescued.  Repeating this pattern multiple times.  We must strive not to repeat this pattern, but we probably will.  Let us praise God because He will forgive us our sins when we genuinely turn to Him.  The psalmist further writes that God will bless us in order that we might observe His laws.  (I actually like that phrasing because it hints at the idea that we can actually see God’s laws by looking at the world around us.)  But perhaps my favorite part of today’s psalms is in Psalm 107, where the psalmist tells those whom God has rescued from adversity to tell their story.  Or, as the King James Version translates it, “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.”  Let us tell the story of how God has rescued us from difficult situations.  I have been in terrible situations where I cried out to God and He rescued me from them.  Yet, I am well aware that those situations were, as the saying goes, “first world problems” compared to what others have faced.  In fact, even many others have had “first world problems” which made my greatest struggles seem incidental and those in less fortunate parts of the world have suffered in ways I find hard to imagine.  I have been blessed all of my life and I still fail to be as faithful to God as I ought.  As I write this I pray to God that He transform me into someone more faithful to Him.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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