July 28, 2017 Bible Study — It Is Not Enough To Say That We Desire to Honor God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 29-31.

    This passage says some things that are often misused and misapplied. In chapter 29 verse 13 the prophet accuses people of following worship practices which are nothing more than man-made rules learned by rote. This passage has often been used to attack those who believe in a traditional interpretation of Christianity. There is something to this. All too often we get caught in the rut of doing things because we have always done them that way. There may have been good reasons for doing things the way we do them, but we have forgotten those reasons and do things that way because that was how we were taught to do them. When that happens we are in danger of following practices which result in the exact opposite of the purpose for which they were created. On the other hand, many times this passage is used to argue for throwing out practices and beliefs which still serve a useful purpose in favor of rules which themselves were created purely in human minds.

    In both cases, the key part of the verse comes before the part which is most often referenced. The prophet tells us that it is not enough to honor God with our lips. We may utter the most pious platitudes and sayings, we may give God credit for every good thing we perceive to have happened, but if our hearts are not aligned with Him, if doing God’s will is not our heart’s desire, then we are hypocrites. No matter how wise we are, no matter how smart we are, we are not wise enough and we are not smart enough to make better plans than God’s plans. If you do not understand why God gives the commands He gives, do not assume that you know better. Study the traditions you follow, make sure that they are truly God’s commands and not just man-made rules. Seek God and you will find Him and His will. Of course, if you instead seek justification for doing your own will, you will find that as well.

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